A G E N T U R   F Ü R   S T R A T E G I E   U N D   E N T W I C K L U N G

About the Importance of Private Data and why We Struggle with it

Bildschirmfoto 2019 10 21 um 19.13.04

About to Much of Information and the Effect of Disgust in Politics


About the Phenomenon of "Trash-TV"

Bildschirmfoto 2019 07 18 um 17.10.29

About Politics and Power

Bildschirmfoto 2019 07 18 um 16.52.53

thx @ pressreader: https://www.pressreader.com and Kronen Zeitung 06/23/2019


About Media, Psychology, and the Success of Shows like "Bachelorette"

Bildschirmfoto 2018 09 06 um 17.06.00

Science meets Politics

Bildschirmfoto 2018 07 05 um 09.53.51

SN-TV Live Analysis Election Mayer of Salzburg:

SN TV Castle of Mirabell Salzburg Election

 Bildschirmfoto 2018 01 19 um 07.50.44

Analysis Election Mayor of Salzburg SN

Bildschirmfoto 2017 12 11 um 16.10.25

Analysis Austrian Elections 2017 in Salzburger Nachrichten

Bildschirmfoto 2017-10-16 um 18.11.57.png

EmOpIn-Types™ - A4S in Salzburger Nachrichten 


EmOpIn-Types™ - A4S in Salzburger Nachrichten 

Bildschirmfoto 2016 09 25 um 17.17.49 

EmOpIn-Types™ - A4S in Salzburger Nachrichten 

Bildschirmfoto 2016 05 18 um 12.54.15

Seite 1

Seite 2


EmOpIn-Types™ - A New Tool that Shows Emotional Preferences on Elections for Austrian Presidency

Artiekl SN BP 2016

A4S Founder Christina Beran about Neuroscience and how to Use for Business

aus den aktuellen Wirtschaftsnachrichten

Interview with A4S Founder Christina Beran on Neuroscience, Communication and Management


Christina Beran's (Co-Author) Basic Research for spae!lab - ESF-Innovation Award in 2013

VJZ Buch


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